Saturday, January 4, 2014

4 beauty tricks using ice

Ice isn't just for drinking anymore! There are a few key tips using ice for your beauty regime. It doesn't take long to go to your freezer and grab a couple pieces. Check out these tips for a cooling face treatment.

  1. Facials: Wrap your ice cubes in a ziploc bag or a paper towel and slowly rub over your whole face. Do this for 1-2 minutes right before bed and it will not only smooth your complexion it will also fight acne and wrinkles.
  2. Eyes:  Have puffy eyes? Apply some ice wrapped in a washcloth to the puffy areas of your eyes. Do this for a few minutes to serious reduce inflammation.
  3. Pore Reducer: This is a great trick to do before applying your makeup. It works almost as well as pore-fessional by Benefit! Ice your pores for at least 2-3 minutes to reduce the size and redness.
  4. Zit Zapper: Zits can be combated by holding an ice cube directly on the spot. Wrap the cube in a ziploc bag and apply to the affected area,  for about 5-10 minutes.  It will remove redness and reduce the size of the zit!

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