Saturday, April 13, 2013

Five reasons I want my braces off!

Hey lovelies!

Yes ladies and gentleman those are my beautiful teeth
I have had my braces on for a little over two years and I want them off so badly I cant even even explain. I have watched and read up so much on getting my braces off and retainer I could probably replace my own orthodontist.... As one youtuber said in a video (with an adorable british accent) getting your braces off is much like going to an airport and having your flight delayed, the head flight person knows the actual total time it will take to finnaly get here but every half hour they just lie and say twenty minutes from now it will be here . She said it better then I did but you get my point! so here are the top five  reasons I want my braces offfff

1. Headgear
my ortho refuses to give me elastics so now I get headgear even though I don't have to wear it to school I have to wear it almost 16 hours a day so basically from the time I get home from school till I wake up in the morning, let me just say I don't wear it in public during those sixteen hours cause that's obiously not nessary. Also sleeping with headgear on has to be one of the most uncomfortable ways to sleep in the entire universe you need to prop yourself up if you sleep on your side because otherwise it feels like someones hitting your molars with a powerfull hammer

2. teeth brushing

My toothbrush wears out litteraly so fast it un beliavble , since I am a compliant patient I had to buy a electric toothbrush (even if they don't tell you to get one they are much better for your teeth in general braces or not) for those who have one they know those brush heads are exspensive! their is usually three in a pack and your supposed to replace those things every three months so thearitcally a pack would last you nine months. Well with braces I replace my toothbrush head every month so I have to get a new toothbrush pack every three months which is generally annoying.

3. Flossing

Flosssing takes me ten minutes and is so annoying. Those little blue things they give you to weave in and out for your braces are LIES. They get everywhere and actually take you longer. I definatly suggest you go get a waterflosser but don't be stupid like I was and turn it on full blast you will bleed and it will hurt.

4. Canker Sores

I almost always get canker sores right after they tighten them, I almost wish I was in pain. So I have some weird canker specialty (I like to self diagnose) but they literaly spread all over my mouth. So metal and a gaping sore in your mouth isn't fun at all.

5. My chipped tooth

I got kicked in the face when I was eleven and they didn't want to fix it because I was getting my braces on like two weeks later and they didn't want afterwords when I get them off to get it chipped off. So this ended up costing me a lot of pain. One of my bottom teeth was literally twisted so getting a bracket on their was hard and I had to get a new bracket put on everytime because it would shift. SO basically my tooth was getting cold air blown on my chipped tooth and it hurt really badly and I wanted to hit someone (self control Hannah self control). I definatly wish they would have been more gentel with this
Well that's it
bye my lovliessss

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